Contact Us

SA-Rail is a division of Luxus Travel & Tours. We are authorized reservation agents for The Blue Train, Rovos Rail and Kruger Shalati. We offer guests fast and efficient booking services and value for money packages on luxury train tickets in South Africa. Contact us today to reserve your suite on one of Africa’s leading luxury trains.

Business hours: Monday to Fridays 08h30 to 16h00 (GMT +2) | Closed on Weekends and public holidays


Office: 021 100 3596
Fax: 086 598 0812
Emergency Line: 081 580 6471


Office: 0027 21 100 3596
Fax: 0027 86 598 0812
Emergency Line: 0027 81 580 6471


General Information:
Carmen De Jongh:
Leonie Burke:
Dirk Retief:

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